Poklonskaya proposed conducting an anti-corruption audit of FBK and Transparency. State Duma deputy, ex-prosecutor of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya VS Transparency International and Navalny's FBK Help Gopko and KUN

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Leak of the “Ukrainian archive” of the Soros Foundation

Original of this material
© Strana.ua, 08/15/2016, What is said about Ukraine in the opened files of George Soros, Photo: TASS, Illustrations: via Strana.ua

Galina Studennikova

George Soros
[Vedomosti.Ru, 08/12/2016, “Bloomberg named new victims of “Russian hackers”: “Russian hackers” who hacked the server of the US Democratic National Committee could be behind a larger operation. They may be involved in the theft of documents of the former commander of NATO forces in Europe general Philip Breedlove , Open Society Charitable Foundation George Soros and Chicago PR woman Sarah Hamilton, who volunteered to help Hillary Clinton conduct an election campaign. Two sources close to the investigation told Bloomberg about the connection between the attacks. They say Breedlove's and Hamilton's email addresses were among thousands attacked last fall by the Sofacy (aka APT28, aka Fancy Bear) group, which in the United States is considered associated with Russian government structures.
A few weeks before the July 22 publication of 20,000 Democratic emails on WikiLeaks, a letter from Breedlove and the Soros Foundation began publishing a little-known website, DCLeaks.com. [...] Open Society reported to the FBI that its internal network had been hacked in June. According to foundation spokeswoman Laura Silber, the network used by the foundation's management, employees and partners was attacked. A source at the organization told Bloomberg that the network, called Karl, has access to about 7,000 people and is used to distribute draft fund programs, budget documents and other internal documents. On August 3, the DCLeaks.com microblog on Twitter offered to learn about the Soros Foundation’s plans to “fight Russian politics and traditional values” and attached a screenshot of a request for $500,000 to finance the foundation’s program aimed at combating Russian influence in European countries. - Insert K.ru]

After hackers posted several hundred files of the Soros Foundation on the Internet from his email regarding the activities of the philanthropist in Ukraine in 2014-2016, Strana decided to analyze these documents. It turned out that a number of them indicate the active influence of the Foundation on internal processes in our country.

New Ukraine of George Soros

One of the most interesting files in GeorgeSorosLeaks is the document “Short- and Long-Term Perspectives on a Comprehensive Strategy for a New Ukraine,” prepared by Soros himself on March 12, 2015 and marked “confidential.”

The document is replete with strategic advice from the philanthropist for short periods - from 3 to 5 months and for a longer period - up to 5 years.

“It would be desirable to have Russia as a partner rather than an enemy,” George Soros notes in the strategy. “But this is impossible as long as Putin’s current policies continue.”

Soros' short-term goals for March 2015 were:

1. Restoring Ukraine’s combat capability without violating the Minsk agreements.
2. Restoring some semblance (the task was exactly what it sounded like - Ed.) stability of the currency and the functioning of the banking system.
3. Maintaining unity between different branches of government.
4. Preservation of the institutional integrity and independence of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU)
5. Provide tangible evidence that the government knows where the budget leaks are and knows how to stop them.
6. Prepare and initiate compelling economic and political reforms.
7. Present impressive results at a donor and investor conference.

Former General Wesley Clark, Polish General Skrypchak and several experts from the Atlantic Council were supposed to advise the Ukrainian authorities on the first point. They were supposed to give recommendations to the President of Ukraine Petru Poroshenko regarding how to restore Ukraine's combat capability without violating the Minsk agreements.

According to Soros’s plan, the European Commission was to allocate up to 1 billion euros to Ukraine for short-term purposes.

Of the economic reforms that Soros proposed, the central place was occupied by the reorganization of NJSC Naftogaz and the introduction of market pricing - that is, an increase in tariffs.

Among other things, Soros proposed completing judicial reform (the law was adopted only this spring) and taking up constitutional reform.

In addition, he spoke about his plans to invest up to $1 billion of his own funds in Ukrainian enterprises in order to increase the investment attractiveness of our country.

Money for reforms

The implementation of reforms in Ukraine this year also could not have happened without the sponsorship of the Soros Foundation. For example, only 800 thousand euros were supposed to be allocated for the creation of advisory groups in 2016.

The key reforms in the GeorgeSorosLeaks documents are decentralization, constitutional and agricultural sector reforms.

The Soros Foundation estimated the preparation of the tax reform project in Ukraine at $100 thousand.

The Foundation proposed to allocate 195 thousand dollars to cover Ukraine’s position regarding the ratification of the Association Agreement before the referendum in the Netherlands.

Money for grantees

Many documents that are now in the public domain relate to the financing of the International Renaissance Foundation, which, in turn, issues grants to journalists and media projects. "Country" has already detailed that in 2015 it spent 200 million hryvnia on projects in Ukraine, in 2014 - 103 million hryvnia. and in 2013 50 million UAH.

The GeorgeSorosLeaks files propose to pay nearly a hundred journalists. This funding would amount to almost half a million dollars a year. And the main recipients are the information portals Krym.Realii, Hromadske TV, Ostrov.

A separate project of the Foundation was the establishment of partnerships between Ukrainian publications, including Hromadske TB, Nashi Groshi, Ukrainska Pravda and its structural division European Pravda, the Crimean TV channel ATR, Zerkalo Nedeli, KievPost - with European media.

It was proposed to use $50,000 to support the StopFake website, which monitors examples of propaganda in Russian and Ukrainian media.

Money for monitoring

In addition to supporting the media, Soros was ready to pay foreign consultants who would monitor how debates on Russian-Ukrainian relations were taking place in other countries. For example, among the files is a contract concluded with Italian consultant Eleonora Poli, who was supposed to compile a non-public report on the media environment in Italy.

In particular, the report was supposed to analyze 6 newspapers, 10 television channels and radio stations, 6 websites and 50 blogs of public opinion leaders to determine how Russia’s actions towards Ukraine are assessed, and how Russia influences the Italian debate on the Ukrainian issue.

For such “monitoring” of trends in Italian media, the consultant was offered a remuneration of $6,500.

Organization of meetings

Much attention in the GeorgeSorosLeaks documents is focused on the organization of various kinds of secret meetings. For example, the visit of George Soros himself in March 2014 to Ukraine and his plan for business negotiations with politicians, experts and diplomats are covered in detail.

So, at a lunch with the then US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, it was decided to create a group of 5-6 international experts to advise the government Yatsenyuk on constitutional reform.

Of the theses for this meeting, it is noteworthy that George Soros said that the US President Barack Obama is pursuing too soft a policy towards Putin, and there is a need to introduce urgent and powerful sanctions.

Also at this meeting (it took place before the presidential elections in Ukraine) it was discussed who could become the new national leader. Discussed among the candidates Yulia Timoshenko However, Geoffrey Pyatt emphasized that "she is perceived as a very controversial person."

At this meeting, the interlocutors also said that the Right Sector was allegedly a project of the FSB and was financed to destabilize Ukraine.

George Soros also held meetings with the then Minister of Education Sergei Kvit, Minister of Health Oleg Musiy, Minister of Justice Pavel Petrenko, Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Deshchitsa, at each of which they discussed what reforms needed to be carried out in the relevant areas.

At a meeting between George Soros and Alexander Turchinov , who at that time acted as the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine, the latter said that Ukraine hoped to receive military and technical support from international forces because it was in confrontation with Russia.

Future presidential elections were also discussed. Turchynov allegedly expressed the belief that the conflict with Russia would not in any way prevent them from being carried out.

The process of preparing these meetings is also interesting. The uploaded files contained a protocol of George Soros's visit to Ukraine. It states that the security and confidentiality of this visit is ensured by Pinchuk (we are talking about Victor Pinchuk , famous philanthropist, son-in-law Leonid Kuchma - Ed.)

Most of the meetings were to take place at the hotel where Soros lived. 18 such negotiations were planned.

In preparation for the visits, a meeting between George Soros and Svoboda leader Oleg Tyagnibok was discussed. The explanation for the reason for such a meeting is also interesting:

“This meeting would be a good sign that there are no these terrible nationalists in Ukraine,” the document notes.

Also, according to this document, meetings were planned with Yulia Tymoshenko, Vitali Klitschko , Petro Poroshenko and Sergei Tigipko - “a deputy and potential candidate for presidential positions from the Party of Regions, he is very democratic,” the document says about him.

Soros's global influence

In total, 2,500 files have been posted on GeorgeSorosLeaks, which cover the period from 2008 to 2016. They are grouped into sections by geographic region. Thus, the files contain emails from former NATO commander in Europe Philip Breedlove, who allegedly tried to provoke Obama to start a conflict with Russia.

Letters addressed to George Soros leaked online Hillary Clinton during her tenure as US Secretary of State, which outlined how to deal with tensions in Albania.

“Dear Hillary, there is a serious situation in Albania that requires urgent attention at the highest levels of the US government,” Soros said in a letter dated January 24, 2011.

The billionaire pointed out to Clinton that, together with the international community, it was urgent to influence Sali Berisha, who was then Prime Minister of Albania, and Edi Rama, who then led the opposition.

["MK", ​​08/16/2016, "Hackers published Soros' correspondence: he wanted to invest a billion in the defense of Ukraine": In Russia, in November 2015, the Prosecutor General's Office recognized the Soros Foundation as an undesirable organization in the country. Textbooks produced by this organization were criticized for being “pro-American” and promoting “stereotypes of the Third Reich.” The head of the Ukrainian branch of the Institute of CIS Countries, Denis Denisov, told MK how much the assistance provided by the Soros Foundation influenced the politics of Ukraine.
- For more than 25 years, John Soros has been quite active in the post-Soviet space. It was his foundation that was one of the first to enter the former Soviet republics. This organization is dedicated to promoting US geopolitical interests in the world through "soft power" . The current documents are irrefutable proof of this. Partially, the US plan to transform Ukraine into an anti-Russian state serving the West was a success. A significant part of Ukrainian industry works for the defense of the country. At the same time, the lion's share of investments simply evaporates. The modernization of Ukraine is primarily hampered by its total corruption and bureaucracy. - Insert K.ru]
Original of this material
© Strana.ua, 06/07/2016, Photo: "UNIAN", Illustrations: via Strana.ua

Who does the Soros Foundation pay for in Ukraine and for what?

Alexey Romanov

Petro Poroshenko and George Soros (right)
The International Renaissance Foundation, which is formally the private foundation of American billionaire George Soros, published a report on the funds spent in 2015. We analyzed who, how much and for what grants were paid by this fund.

According to the report, in 2015, the International Fund “Renaissance” (“Renaissance”, henceforth we will call it abbreviated as IMF) spent 200 million hryvnia on projects in Ukraine. According to the fund's reports, this is 2 times more than in 2014 (UAH 103 million) and 4 times more than in 2013 (UAH 50 million).

However, if we take into account the fall in the national currency exchange rate from 8 to 25 UAH/USD over two years, then we can estimate the volume of financing of the fund's projects in the amount of 6 - 8 million dollars annually.

The foundation spent part of the funds (namely 30.5 million UAH) on its own projects and events. The rest was distributed in the form of grants to various public organizations and charitable foundations.

Exactly half of the funds (100 million UAH) were spent in Kyiv, the rest - in the regions.

Now let’s look at who the Soros Foundation paid and for what in 2015. For this analysis, we selected those organizations that received more than three million hryvnia from the IMF, as well as interesting, in our opinion, projects for smaller amounts.

First place. 7 million - to Donetsk-Vinnytsia University

The largest recipient of assistance from the IMF is the Donetsk regional public organization "Institute of Social Research and Analysis" located in Vinnitsa. She received almost 7 million UAH. for the project "European development of Donetsk National University in Vinnitsa". The IMF report states that this grant was provided for the development of Donetsk National University (DonNU), which moved from Donetsk to Vinnitsa in 2014:

Let us note that the report of the university rector for 2015 includes a much smaller amount of funding for this project - almost 3.9 million UAH:

One can only guess what explains the almost two-fold difference, and why an intermediary - the Institute for Social Research and Analysis - was needed to implement the project. In addition, the website of the intermediary organization states that it has been a member of the “Europe without Barriers” consortium of research centers for 6 years. A public organization with the same name took third place in terms of the volume of grants from the IMF. We will talk about it below.

Second place. The largest information and propaganda platform

More than 5.6 million UAH. received by the public organization "Ukrainian Crisis Media Center". It is from the media platform of this organization that all Ukrainian TV channels broadcast official ATO news, which is read out every day by men in camouflage. Therefore, the influence of this information platform is difficult to overestimate.

On its website, the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center reports that it is an exclusively public project. However, the source of support is not the public, but foreign organizations - the US Embassy, ​​the IMF, the American Foundation for Democracy (NED), the Dutch Embassy, ​​the Internews agency and others.

According to the Unified Register of Legal Entities, the founders of this media center are Gennady Kurochka, Valery Chaly, Natalya Popovich and Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze.

Gennady Kurochka and Natalya Popovich are professional PR people. Kurochka is the director and founder of the PR agency CFC Consulting. The agency’s website claims that it is the exclusive representative in Ukraine of the American television channel CNN. Natalya Popovich is the director of the PR agency "Be-it", and is also closely connected with the USA: in her resume on the website of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, which she graduated in 2001, she said that she also studied at the University of San Jose and then had an internship in USA.

Two more founders of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center are major officials. Valeriy Chaly has been the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States since July 2015; before that, he worked for more than a year as Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of President Poroshenko. Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze is now Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration. Until April 2016, she was a people's deputy and served as first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Third place. 5.4 million - the namesake of the chairman of the board

The organization “Europe without barriers” received slightly less than Donetsk University - UAH 5.4 million. Of these, 3.8 million were issued for the project “development of institutional capabilities” (in fact, for the maintenance) of the organization, 821 thousand - for the project “Last steps towards a visa-free regime” and another 577 thousand - for monitoring the implementation of biometric technologies in visa applications. - migration practice.

The IMF report states that Europe Without Barriers is engaged in “public monitoring” and “advocacy” for the Visa Liberalization Action Plan, which the EU requires Ukraine to implement.

An interesting fact here is that, according to the Unified Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, the head of the public organization “Europe without Barriers” is Irina Sushko:

And the head of the IMF board, according to his report, is the famous international political scientist Alexander Sushko:

Alexander Sushko is also the director of the Center for Peace, Conversion and Foreign Policy of Ukraine:

Working in this organization as a project manager, Irina Sushko received a grant from the IMF for 11.6 thousand dollars back in 2006. also on the Euro-visa topic:

Are Alexander and Irina Sushko simply namesakes, or relatives, or spouses? According to one of the databases of Ukrainian residents, they may live together - at an address that coincides with the registration address of the public organization "Europe without Barriers":

Millions to journalists, lobbyists and sociologists

Further, with a grant amount of almost 5.4 million UAH, the Data Journalism Agency, owner of the website texty.org.ua, is in the ranking of the largest grant recipients of the IMF. Its leader and co-founder Roman Kulchinsky is the son of People's Deputy of the 3rd-6th convocations Nikolai Kulchinsky, V. Yushchenko's confidant in the 2005 presidential elections.

The Dixie Group analytical center received almost the same amount - for its institutional development (more than 3 million UAH), expert support for the anti-corruption bureau (923 thousand), strengthening the role of the public in the implementation of Ukraine’s obligations to the EU (445 thousand), etc. .d. As a result of the latest project, according to the IMF report, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law obliging mining companies to disclose information on the state of oil and gas production. And in its report for 2015, Dixie Group also reported that it was developing and promoting a bill on a national regulator in the field of energy and utilities. In essence, this is lobbying activity to promote necessary laws.

The Dixie Group report also states that, along with the IMF, which provided more than half of the organization’s financial needs, it is also financed by the European Commission, the British Embassy, ​​the British Council and the German G. Boell Foundation (pp. 20-21 of the report). The organization has no other sources of funding - the report columns “Grants from business companies” and “Donations from individuals” contain zeros. No Ukrainian sources of funding are indicated.

Almost 5.3 million UAH. The IMF transferred it to its oldest and most respected grantee - the Ilk Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation. This foundation is known for organizing sociological research. The head of the fund is the famous sociologist Irina Bekeshkina.

The IMF report indicates that almost UAH 5.3 million was allocated to the Democratic Initiatives Fund. for two projects - “Increasing the institutional capacity of the Foundation” (5.04 million UAH) and “How to make the choice of Ukrainians conscious and responsible?” (almost 250 thousand UAH):

Here is the project card for the “Institutional Capacity Building” project from the IMF website, where the number of this grant is indicated:

Based on this number in the report of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation itself, we can see that out of a 5 million grant, the foundation reflected the receipt of only 1.9 million UAH. You can also see here that the main donors of the fund are the European Commission, the embassies of the Netherlands (MATRA program), Canada, Britain, as well as the American para-governmental Foundation for Democracy (NED):

Ukrainian sources of financing the activities of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation are also not indicated in his report.

More than 4 million UAH. received from the IMF "Institute of World Politics", which is headed by the famous political scientist Alena Getmanchuk. This organization conducts various studies and activities aimed at bringing Ukraine closer to the EU and NATO. , it is also financed almost exclusively by foreign organizations, the total amount of funding starting from 2015 is 700 thousand dollars. USA (receipts are indicated exclusively in dollars).

Almost 3.6 million UAH. received by Internews-Ukraine (headed by Konstantin Kvurt), an international public organization that declares its goal to support the media.

In addition, the following media received support from the media: the Ukrainian Pravda project “Journalistic Investigations” (374 thousand UAH), “Economic Truth” (342 thousand UAH), the anti-corruption portal “Our Money” (two grants of 365 and 210 thousand UAH), “Euromaidan. Press" (645 thousand UAH), "Hromadske Radio" (262 thousand UAH and 1 million 100 thousand UAH for radio broadcasting in Donbass), as well as the "Center for Journalistic Investigations" from Rivne (224 thousand UAH). The Stopfake project received two grants (2 million 398 thousand UAH and 480 thousand UAH).

Help Gopko and KUN

Another charitable foundation, “Patients of Ukraine,” received almost 1.8 million UAH. Money was allocated for the project "Public Procurement 2015" (1.05 million UAH) and two more grants - on the topic "New healthcare system in the Odessa region." The first project in the IMF report is credited with the development of bills on the transfer of drug procurement for budgetary funds to organizations such as UNDP, UNICEF, Crown Agents, and the conduct of a corresponding information campaign. The IMF report says nothing about Odessa projects.

According to the Unified State Register, the founders of the Patient Foundation of Ukraine are Inna Boyko, Olga Stefanishina (she is also the head of the fund) and Dmitry Sherembey:

Inna Boyko and Olga Stefanishina, according to the Verkhovna Rada website, are assistants to people's deputy Anna Gopko, who entered parliament as number 1 on the list of the Samopomich party (however, she was already expelled from the faction for voting for changes in the first reading to the Constitution on decentralization and special status of Donbass):

And Dmitry Sherembey is a well-known social activist, co-founder of the Anti-Corruption Center, which also received grants from the IMF totaling UAH 2.1 million.

1.4 million UAH from the IMF was received by the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine, where the leader is Yuriy Lukanov, and one of the founders is the current people's deputy, chairman of the parliamentary anti-corruption committee, deputy chairman of the Samopomich faction, Egor Sobolev.

The IMF allocated more than 2 million to the Sobornost charitable foundation for projects related to medicine. The chairman of the foundation, Stepan Bratsyun, is also the head of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (CUN), as well as an assistant to the current people's deputy, member of the CUN Andrey Lopushansky, who from 2005 to 2014 worked as the first deputy chairman of the board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine.

Now A. Lopushansky heads the subcommittee on gas, gas transportation industry and gas supply policy of the parliamentary committee on the fuel and energy complex. Now let’s look at who received IMF grants in the regions of Ukraine and for what.

The largest regional recipient of IMF grants is the little-known Poltava Institute of Analytics and Advocacy. For his 8 projects, mainly related to government procurement and medicine, he received a total of 4.8 million UAH. The founders and leaders of the institute are local activists Yuri Nestulya and Yuri Romashko.

The Poltava charitable organization "Light of Hope" received 6 projects worth 1.96 million. Of these, 1.1 million went to a project with the mysterious name "Development of advocacy capacity of non-governmental organizations."

In Odessa, there are two grants for the projects “Business Incubator for Internally Displaced Persons” and “Open Ukraine” for a total amount of almost 2 million UAH. received the local charity fund "Impact Hub Odessa". As stated on the organization’s website, it is located in a 4-story building on Grecheskaya Street, which houses an anti-cafe, a conference room and a co-working space.

The sole founder and head of the Impact Hub Odessa fund is the famous Odessa businessman Egor Grebennikov:

He is also the co-founder and director of TIS-Container Terminal LLC:

This is a well-known Odessa port enterprise, which owns several berths in the Yuzhny port, where it occupies an area of ​​21.3 hectares, with a container traffic flow of more than 600 thousand tons per year.

Another organization from Odessa that received large grants from the IMF in 2015 is the Association for Promoting Self-Organization of the Population. More than 3 million UAH. she received for “Strengthening the organizational and analytical capacity of the Association”, and almost 650 thousand for the project “Public Interregional Network for the Development of Local Democracy”.

The Kiev branch of this association also received 200 thousand for the “Program for the Development of Local Democracy in the Capital.” According to the association's report, the association received almost 78% of its income for 2015 from projects financed by the IMF:

In 2015, the head of the association was Andrey Krupnik, a well-known Odessa professional social activist, associate professor at the Odessa Institute of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. The IMF report says that experts from this association developed bills “On bodies of self-organization of the population” and “On the general meeting (conference) of members of the territorial community at the place of residence.”

The “Center for Media Reforms” from Sumy (although for some reason in the IMF report it is designated as from Kyiv) received 3.5 million UAH. for the "Stopfake" project. The stated goal of the project is to combat false information about events in Ukraine. However, the main content of this site is the exposure of various reports of Russian media. This project practically does not analyze the reliability of the content of Ukrainian media. The head of the organization is Ruslan Deinichenko, a teacher at the school of journalism at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

In Kherson almost 3.5 million UAH. received by the organization "South" for the projects "Docudays UA travels around the world." The head of the organization, Denis Kostyunin, is also the director of the local newspaper “Vgoru”. Docudays UA is an international documentary film festival about human rights.

More than 2.1 million UAH. received by the Ivano-Frankivsk charitable foundation "Mother Teresa" for the purpose of palliative care for hopelessly ill people. Of these, 717 thousand UAH. was allocated to support the charity performance. The founder and head of the fund is Lyudmila-Oksana Andriishin.

In Lviv, grants amount to 3.2 million UAH. The European Dialogue organization received a program ("road map") for its institutional development. The head of the organization is the famous political scientist and publicist Viktor Kaspruk.


As we can see, IMF funding mainly goes to projects related to information activities, media, sociology, and energy. A number of organizations are directly connected with major officials and high-ranking members of parliament.

In addition, based on these data, it can be judged that in Ukraine there is a pool of organizations that are financed exclusively by foreign governmental and para-governmental organizations. These are media, analytical and lobbying structures that are formally public organizations and charitable foundations. And the IMF, being a private foundation, actively participates in their co-financing together with Western embassies and foundations close to the governments of Western countries.

These organizations are practically not financed by Ukrainian businesses and citizens.

) spoke about the anti-corruption audit (FBK) and the Russian branch of the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International.

When asked whether Poklonskaya considers such non-governmental organizations to be her allies, she replied that information from such sources cannot be ignored, citing the fact that they can be politicized. It also does not include them in any blacklists, but their activities also need to be checked, since they often attract public interest.

“These organizations do not bother me personally; rather, judging by recent events, they can threaten the peace and well-being of the country as a whole. You cannot disturb society, you cannot play and use some situation - even a corrupt one - for your own unclean purposes.

But if information is received officially in my name, including from FBK, of course, I will consider it in the prescribed manner,” she said.

Natalya Poklonskaya described the activities of such organizations as a PR campaign aimed at justifying their existence. Regarding FBK’s statements, she clarified the following: “We were contacted about the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod. He is not a deputy, so this is not within the competence of the deputy commission. But they officially applied, their organization is officially registered, so in accordance with the established procedure the appeal was sent to the prosecutor. There were no other requests.

So for now it’s just PR, using a problem only to talk about it and justify one’s existence through it.”

Response and mutual reproaches

and therefore our activities are as transparent as the activities of any organization in Russia can be,” Sobol said.

In addition, she noted that FBK is ready to provide Poklonskaya with the opportunity for additional verification of his work.

In turn, she herself noted Natalia Poklonskaya’s desire to “promote herself,” which, in Sobol’s opinion, justified such an initiative. An FBK employee suggests that Poklonskaya intends to enter the “political field,” but she no longer has enough mentions in the media.

Transparency International also announced an investigation into Poklonskaya. The head of the Russian branch of the organization, Ilya Shumanov, wrote about this on his Facebook page on Saturday:

“I wanted to rest a little, but instead I’ll have to conduct an investigation into Madame ex-prosecutor.

“State Duma Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya proposed conducting an anti-corruption audit of Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation and the Russian branch of Transparency International,” Shumanov wrote.

The founder of the Transparency International branch in Russia, Elena, told the Internet portal that it would be difficult to subject the organization to an anti-corruption audit for three reasons:

Transparency does not have official powers to commit a corruption crime under Russian law; “It’s hard to imagine” to whom an organization might give a bribe;

Transparency reports quarterly on its activities to the Ministry of Justice, so the organization’s activities are under constant control by government authorities, Panfilova believes.

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    To complete the picture in Cappadocia, after walking through the valleys, you should visit the underground city of Derinkuyu. About two hundred underground cities are known in Cappadocia, but the largest is Derinkuyu. Behind him comes Kaymakli, which is ten...

  • Who is hiding the true date of the disaster and why?

    Pompeii (Italy) is a unique city. It is of interest as a historical heritage not only for Italy, but for the whole world. The city is under the protection of UNESCO and, in fact, is an open-air museum complex. Maybe,...

  • Pompeii - a city buried alive

    What do we know about the ancient city of Pompeii? History tells us that once this prosperous city instantly died with all its inhabitants under the lava of an awakened volcano. In fact, the history of Pompeii is very interesting and filled with a lot...

  • The richest sheikhs of the East

    In Arabic, the term sheikh means a well-born adult man who has enormous wealth and is highly respected in society among believers. Only the most revered and respected Muslims can earn this honorary...