Church in Eldigino schedule of services. Eldigino

In 1638, the village was in the possession of the boyar (since 1638), Prince Yuri Andreevich Sitsky (d. 1644).

In 1618-1622. he at royal dinners "looked at the big table and dressed up wine", in 1619-1620. was a bell at the receptions of the ambassador of the Bukhara Khan, the Swedish envoy and the ambassador of the Chinese Bogdykhan, in 1620, 1633 and 1635. - a charioteer for the king on hunting and pilgrimage trips.

In 1635 he was a cup maker, in 1638 a boyar, in 1639 a governor in Astrakhan.

In 1640, as governor of Nizhny Novgorod, he received the Danish ambassador, in 1642 - governor in Venev, in 1642-1643. was present in the Robbery order.

In 1643, Prince Sitsky met the Danish prince Valdemar. The prince was married to Fetinia Vladimirovna, born Princess Bakhteyarova-Rostovskaya. After her husband's death, she owned the village and built a new church.

In 1651 she was the mother of Princess Evdokia Alekseevna, and then she became a monk and a schema in the Ascension Monastery in the Moscow Kremlin with the name Theodosius, died in 1672.

In 1904, Armand joined the RSDLP. Vladimir, according to the recall of those who knew him, a rare soul, well educated, accompanied Inessa in exile, took care of her. He lost his health and died in 1909. In the same year, Inessa Armand met V.I. Lenin and became a close person to him.

The Armandes loved Inessa and kept good feelings for her until the end of their days, but she brought them a lot of grief.

Inessa’s divorce from Alexander was not formalized, the children were brought up together, they constantly corresponded, Alexander paid bail and rescued Inessa from prison, where she ended up for revolutionary activities, helped to establish underground work in Pushkino.

In 1907, Yevgeny Evgenievich Armand and his wife visited their daughter-in-law, who was detained in the Prechistensky police house. During the years of the first revolution, Alexander left his job in the Zemstvo and the City Duma. During the Japanese war, he was in the Far East authorized to manage the sanitary detachment of Moscow. During the December uprising, he delivered a batch of weapons to the rebels.

In 1907 he became the director of the Pushkin factory, in 1908 he was arrested and spent about three months in the Taganka prison on charges of organizing a strike at his factory. Upon his release from prison, he left with his elder sons for France, where he studied dyeing (1909-1910). Upon returning to Russia, he worked at a factory in the dyeing department. Inessa, who returned illegally to Russia, was arrested in 1911 by A.E. Armand paid bail for her and helped her escape abroad.

In 1915, he worked in the Zemsky Union as the head of an auto repair plant, after the February Revolution he left the plant.

In 1918, at the invitation of workers, he worked at the same plant as an elected manager.

In 1918, due to impossible housing conditions and illnesses of family members, he moved to live in Alyoshin

Since 1918, Inessa Armand headed the department of workers under the Central Committee of the RCP (b). In the autumn of 1920, she was sent for treatment to the North Caucasus, where she fell ill with cholera and died, and was buried on Red Square in the Kremlin wall.

Anzhelika Balabanova, secretary of the Comintern, described her impressions of the funeral of Inessa Armand as follows: “I looked askance at Lenin. He seemed to have fallen into despair, his cap was pulled down over his eyes. miserable and downhearted. I had never seen him like this before. It was more than the loss of a "good Bolshevik" or a good friend. It seemed that he had lost something very dear and very close to him and did not make an attempt to disguise it.. "His eyes seemed to disappear in painfully suppressed tears. Whenever the movement of the crowd pressed against our group, he offered no resistance to the pushes, as if he was grateful that he could come close to the coffin."

In 1937 the church was closed and used as a warehouse.

In 1992 he was returned to believers and restored.

A few kilometers from Eldigin is located with. Semyonovskoye, in which until the 1970s. there was a wooden Church of the Epiphany, built in 1673 on the wasteland of Podberezniki next to the village. Arkhangelskoye-Tyurikovo (village Novoarkhangelskoye, Mytishchi district). The church belongs to the type of "kletskih".

At the beginning of the XVIII century. in Arkhangelsk they built a new one, and the old one was given to a "burnt place" in the village. Semyonovskoe.

In the 19th century the frame was sheathed with board, a bell tower was attached to the refectory, the temple was covered with iron.

In the 1970s and the church itself was taken to the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery, to the Museum of Wooden Architecture, and rebuilt beyond recognition (the bell tower was broken, a gallery and a new chapter were added.

On the road from Eldigin to Tishkovo, at the confluence of the Olyianka and Vyaz rivers, in the village of Rakovo in 1896, architect Boris Nikolaevich Schnaubert (1852-?) built a stone chapel at the expense of the Armand family (destroyed in Soviet times).

Photo from

The Trinity Church was built in the traditions of the early Peter the Great Baroque in 1735 by Prince Alexander Borisovich Kurakin on a promise to his father. At that time in Eldigino there was a wooden church in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, with chapels in the name of the holy prophet Elijah and the Monk Macarius of Zheltovodsky, “yes, at the court of the estate, the church of St. vmch. Anastasia the Solver. The church fell into disrepair, and Prince Boris Ivanovich built a new wooden one with the same name. In 1727, Prince Kurakin died in Paris and, in his spiritual will, gave money to the temple in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.

Having fulfilled his father's will, the heir to the patrimony, son Alexander, erected a magnificent stone church in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity with chapels in the name of the holy prophet Elijah and the Great Martyr Anastasia. In the same 1735 the church was consecrated.

In 1842, the owner of the estate, Lyubimov, added a bell tower to the temple.

Services in the temple were performed constantly until 1937, then the temple was closed and used as a warehouse.

Since its closure, the temple has not been restored, so it has survived to this day in a dilapidated form.

In 1992, the church was handed over to believers. Most of the church has been renovated. Divine services in the temple are performed constantly. There is a Sunday school, a library.

abbot- Archpriest Alexander Gruzinov.

Source -

Since 1877 - Eldigino in the possession of the manufacturers Armandov.

E.I. Armand is a major Russian capitalist who received the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Russian Empire" from the Tsar. This Russified Frenchman became the owner of a huge territory from the modern village of Pravdinsky to the city of Dmitrov.

The head of the trading house "E. Armand with his sons" was Evgeny Evgenievich Armand. Inessa Steffen married one of his children, Alexander Evgenievich, when she was 19 years old. The wedding took place in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Pushkino in 1893. This microdistrict bears the name of Armand from now on.

Inessa's father was the once famous French opera singer Theodore Steffen - he performed under the pseudonym Pesche Erbanville. He and actress Natalie Wilde, half French, half English, had three daughters. Inessa-Elizaveta, the eldest, was born on May 8, 1874 (there is evidence that Natalie had not yet been married to Steffen by this time). A few years later, Steffen died, leaving the widow destitute. Natalie retired from the stage and supported her family by giving singing lessons. But there was not enough money, and the older daughters - Inessa and Rene - were sent to their aunt. To Moscow. My aunt was a governess in the richest family of Russified French Armands - she taught music and French. The Armand family, well-known Moscow industrialists-manufacturers, owned a large weaving factory in Pushkin, estates and tenement houses. The head of the family, Evgeny Evgenievich Armand, a hereditary honorary citizen, belonged to the highest industrial aristocracy of Russia. He had three sons - Alexander, Vladimir and Boris. The Steffen girls were warmly received by the Armand family. Rene and Inessa were fluent in three languages ​​- French, English and Russian, knew a little German, played music beautifully. They had an excellent education - it was not without reason that their aunt-teacher brought them up. Inessa at the age of 17 passed the exam for the title of home teacher. In addition, both sisters were extremely pretty and had a French charm and charm, rare among Russian girls.

The Armand brothers did not resist. Alexander became interested in Inessa, and the younger Boris - Rene. Of course, the Steffen sisters were a completely unsuitable party for young men from the Armand family: of unclear origin, foreigner, dowry, other religion ... But the boys' parents did not mind: the Armands were known for their liberal views and fell in love with Rene and Inessa like their own daughters. The wedding of Alexander Evgenievich Armand and Inessa-Elizaveta Stefan (as her name was written in Russian documents) took place in Pushkin on October 3, 1893. Inessa was 19 years old, her husband was two years older. A charming, full of life young Frenchwoman and soft, charming, noble Alexander made a wonderful couple.

The Trinity Church, which has survived to this day, was built in the traditions of the early Peter the Great Baroque in 1735 by Prince Alexander Borisovich Kurakin on the promise of his father Boris Ivanovich Kurakin. The princely family of Kurakins owned the Eldigino estate for more than one hundred and fifty years, starting in 1662. Many representatives of this aristocratic family, descending according to legend to the Lithuanian prince Gedemin and the Kiev prince Vladimir the Holy, were European-educated and went down in history, thanks to their bright diplomatic talents.
Worth mentioning is the fact that already in the XVI century. The Kurakins had their own family ancient storage, which was located first in their Kremlin mansions, which stood on the site of the Grand Kremlin Palace, then in a new house on Bolshaya Lubyanka, and later - at the family estate on Novaya Basmannaya Street.

Prince Boris Ivanovich was an outstanding diplomat and writer of his time. Since 1684, he owned the Eldigino estate, inherited from his grandfather, Prince Grigory Semenovich Kurakin, who was close to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, was the governor of the city of Sevsk, and in 1662-1663. repulsed the attack of the Crimean Tatars and took part in subsequent services on the southern outskirts of Russia. At that time, in Eldigino, there was a wooden church in the name of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, old and dilapidated, with St. the prophet Elijah and St. Macarius Zheltovodsky, and at the votchinikov court - the church of St. the martyr Anastasia the Solver, and at the churches - the priest Fedor and the deacon Grigory Andreev.

After the death of his grandfather, Prince Boris Ivanovich put the estate in proper order, and on the site of the dilapidated church he built a new, wooden one, with the preservation of the former name. In the same year, at the request of the prince, the synodal state order contained Kurakin's permission to build a new church. For this, Boris Ivanovich took thirty acres of land and hay fields from his estate. In 1727, while abroad, the prince dies in Paris and, in a spiritual will, transfers money in the amount of twenty thousand rubles.

So, having fulfilled his father's will, the heir to the patrimony, son Alexander, builds a magnificent stone church in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity with the borders of St. Prophet Elijah and St. Great Martyr Anastasia. In the same 1735 the church was consecrated.

In 1842, the owner of the estate, adviser Lyubimov, added a bell tower to the temple, and in 1877 the estate was sold to an honorary citizen, manufacturer Yevgeny Evgenievich Armand.
Having bought the estate, the new owner immediately began to put it in order. The roof of the temple was repainted, and in 1883 its walls were painted in the spirit of the academic direction of Russian religious painting, services were held constantly until 1937, then the temple was closed and used as a warehouse.

Since 1992, the doors of the temple have been reopened for parishioners. All destroyed, without a roof and floor, without doors and windows, without a porch and bells, haggard and dark - this is how he appeared before Father Alexander Gruzinov, a “hereditary parishioner” of this church. His grandmother went here, his father was baptized here, his grandfather went to the front from these places, among the dead his name is engraved on the local obelisk. Once shining and majestic, now completely devastated, the temple looked at the priest with black eye sockets of windows.

Let us pray to the Lord in peace!

The beginning of all beginnings - the prayer sounded again under the collapsed vaults.

The first Trinity was met under umbrellas and, since there was no roof, the rain generously watered all the parishioners. But they sang Easter near the hot stove of the “potbelly stove”. People - a full temple. Batiushka was very worried: there was no gender! People stand on the remains of the basement vaults, as if on islands, in the hands of a candle - unusually solemnly, by the light of candles, everything around has changed, as if there is no devastation and we are in the 18th century ...

In 1994, the first parish newspaper called "Parish News" was published, and a Sunday school was opened.

Gradually, through the efforts of the rector, parishioners, sponsors and builders, the temple rose from the ruins. The Sunday school grew, along with the adult kliros, a children's choir appeared.

Since 2002, a library and a video class began to operate, it became possible for children to arrange a summer day camp. On the basis of the Sunday School, a children's environmental group was formed, which declared war on garbage in the entire settlement. For their work from the administration of the village of Eldigino, the guys were awarded excursion trips. The idea of ​​the eco-team was also taken up by the Eldiginsky secondary school, which is in close cooperation with the Sunday School. So since 2006, integrated lessons in history and literature with an in-depth study of Orthodox culture have become possible.

The temple also has a department for helping the poor. On the feast of the Nativity of Christ - and this is already a tradition - the Sunday School and the kliros arrange a Christmas tree with gifts for children, and during the caroling, which is arranged by the youth of the kliros, one of the days is devoted to visiting the sick and the elderly, who are also given gifts.

Since 1995, at the request of the command of the military town of Sofrino-1 and the people living in it, the priest took care of this settlement as well. A church shop began to operate in the bakery shop, right in the shop the priest talked with the residents, answered questions, advised, consoled. All requests were made in the soldiers' club and at home. Since 1996, the question of building a church has been brewing, but the financial crisis has undermined the potential of potential sponsors, and there was only enough strength for the gatehouse, where the church shop was subsequently transferred. A Sunday school was organized here, first for adults, and later for children. And recently a well was dug where prayers are served. Analysis of the water showed that the water is the purest, as in a natural source.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, the construction of an ascribed church in the name of the right-believing Prince Dimiry Donskoy has now begun.

Address and phone number of the temple: Moscow region, Pushkin district, s. Eldigino. Tel.8-496-531-43-30

How to get there by public transport: From. st.Pravda Yaroslav.zh.d. Bus No. 25.32 to the stop. Eldigino. From Art. Zelenogradskaya Yaroslavl railway bus no. 37 to the stop. Eldigino.

How to get there by car: Along the Yaroslavl highway to the sign "Pravda" through the railway crossing to Eldigino. Or along the Yaroslavl highway to the sign "Zelenogradskaya" through the railway crossing to Eldigino.

Worship Schedule: Sundays and Holidays:

Evening service at 16:00

Morning worship at 8:00

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